Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thanks To All For Your Support

Thanks to all for your support!!

My goal is to support all families from a diverse background equally.  All will provide activities in the classroom that promote culture diversity.  I will provide diversity throughout the class and center by creating bulletin boards, providing food from different cultures and inviting the parents to come by and share their culture with the class.

I would like to take this time to thank my colleagues for their support throughout this course.  Throughout this course I have learned a lot about diversity and will continue to learn by using research and other sources to broaden my children education about diversity.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Welcoming Families From Around the World

Japan Family

The family I have chosen will be from Japan, and I will be working in a child care center.  I will first get to know the family and learn about their culture through them as well as resources.  To make little Susie welcome I will try to accommodate the diversity of the child by decorating bulletin boards, banners, signs or posters around the classroom with Japanese culture.   My classroom already has dolls, food, and books of different cultures so she will probably like that.  By seeing items from different cultures she will feel as though she belongs in this environment.   I will treat the child and her family with respect which I do with all parents.  I will invite the parents to visit the classroom to share so of their culture with the class.   

As the teacher, I will provide activities in the classroom for the children to engage in and learn more about other cultures and their beliefs.  I will have a “Multicultural Day” at school and have each parent to bring an ethnic dish of their choice and share it with the class.  Again I will make the child and her family feels welcome at the center and make sure communication is there at all times.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression


This incident happened to me on Friday, October 12, 2012.  I was at the laundry mat washing clothes when a Caucasian lady came in and was about to add her laundry into the wash and was putting the detergent in wrong.  I said, “Excuse me ma’am but the Tide Pod goes in the drum of the washer and its best to put your detergent in after the water start going into the wash.  She gave me a look like did I ask you for your help. She had a snobby attitude.  As she begin to start another load of clothes she did it the way I had told her previously.  She kept looking at me funny the whole time she was there and she must have realize that I was only trying to help her.  Later, before I left she asked which dryer gets hot.  I told her 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8.  She then told me thank you and walked away.  She seem as though she didn’t like Black people but she must have realized that Blacks are not so bad after all.

 It seems as though the lady was a racist toward Blacks, however she made me felt that she didn’t need my help.  However, the incident changed the way she thought of me and she told me thank you for helping me.