Sunday, December 16, 2012


The past eight weeks have been very exciting.  Learning about different communication has been very helpful for me as a Director.  It has taught me how to be effective in my efforts to communicate with my staff as well as the parents at the center.  To my colleagues who have supported me throughout this semester I thank you and wish you the best in the future.  I hope that we all may stay in touch with one another after this course. 

Thanks a lot,

LaKeshia S. Short

LaKeshia S. Short 

Sunday, December 9, 2012



I have not really been in a group that was hard to leave.  I have enjoyed being a student at Walden University and meeting new individual online.  I thank my colleagues for their opinions and feedback on my posts throughout this course.  I enjoy the relationship we have as colleagues and I hope the communication can continue when we have overcome that milestone and graduate from Walden University.  Adjourning is not hard for me to do, I have learned that people go and come in your life for a reason.  As I continue to meet new and exciting individual I will learn great things and move forward.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Conflict and Resolution

I have been promoted as the Director of the child care center where I work.  When I was Assistant Director my coworkers assume they did not have to listen and do what I advised them to do.  Now as Director they look at me as if I think I own the center.  We seem to get alone okay but have our differences.  One coworker acts like she knows it all, so she tends to get an attitude with me when I confront her on what she is doing wrong.  I do not argue with her, I write her up and let her sign the notice.  After three notices, she has time off without pay.  I commend my workers for doing their best and having a productive classroom. 

With the issue at hand, I would use Magda Gerber 3R’s.  I would show respect toward the person and I would listen to her side of the story.  I would like for the worker as well to listen and respect my decisions.  We would have a conversation with understanding and I would let her know that we must work together as a team and not individually.