Saturday, April 27, 2013

Reflecting on Learning

My hope for the future in the classroom is to educate my parents as well as the students on this anti-bias world. I will learn about my own bias and the bias of each parent and child and educate them to the fullest.   I will promote fairness in the classroom and the center and educated the students on diversity and equity to the best of my knowledge. 

To my fellow colleagues, I wish you the best in your future and I thank you all so much for the comments and positive feedback throughout this course.  We have truly learned a lot about the anti-bias world and there is much more to come our way.  Good luck and be blessed!

Sunday, April 21, 2013



In the Philippines there has been a devastating flood which affected 15, 000 families.  These families need water and sanitation supplies.  The children are affected because they need water and sanitation, health and nutrition, education and child protection.  Over 200,000 children were affected by the flood.  The flood killed at least 957 people, with at least 49 still missing.   

The children are highly vulnerable to diarrhoeal disease and dehydration. UNICEF is on the ground to support the government’s efforts, and is working round the clock to provide for the many children and families affected. The water systems of the two main areas affected, Cagayan de Oro and Iligan cities, have been totally destroyed leaving most residents with no safe, reliable source of water. With the help of Unicef water kits, hygiene kits, temporary pit latrines and a mobile water units have been brought over to the country. 

The families in the Philippines really need as much assistant that they can get.  The country is mainly focusing on water and food and the education of the children has been put aside.  The families also need shelter, blankets and counseling to help them through this rough time.  UNICEF will stay as long as needed to get these families and communities back on their feet.


Sunday, April 7, 2013


As an African American in a small town I totally fit in with my surroundings.  However, as I travel to different Professional Development Seminars people look at me as though I am uneducated because of the color of my skin.  I have faced the issue of racism at grocery stores, Wal-mart or at the Laundry Mat.  Unfortunately, I have never experience racism in the classroom.  I have had the opportunity of working with Korean families and Caucasian families.  I have the affect with my parents and students that is very open and tend to get along with all individuals.   I make friends where ever I go because I like learning new things and learning about people. 

The “isms” I have experience are racism and homosexuals.  However, I have not let these “isms” reflect my behavior as an educator.  I learned through resources on how to communicate and be professional in my field with these individuals.  I believe that diversity should be taught in the classroom and that we should discuss different issues at hand.