Saturday, April 7, 2012


Support is having a dependable person to be your backbone and help out when needed.  Someone who is there financially, emotionally, and physically. 

I am the proud mother of five handsome young men, a bachelor's degree, pursuing my master's degree, the assistant director of an early childcare learning center, and a bride-to-be.

My mother is the best support of all.  She's always there for me in every way possible.  She's there when my children father is off working and I have to go on workshops and when I had to go to school.  She suppor me by making sure my  children are in a safe environment while I am gone.  My husband to be is next, he showers me with much love when he is at home and make sure the children are well taken careof.  He also was there for me when I had to go to school, he supported me in every way.  We go out as a family to eat on the weekend, go to movies, and have a great family time.  My young men shower me with much love and we enjoy having family game night.  My students in my classroom shows me much love as the enter the classroom and that's enough support for me to have a great day at work.

The challenge that I would not want to face is not having the support from my family.  It would have been a huge problem of not furthering my education and becoming the person I am today.


  1. First off congrats on your engagement. Just knowing that you have a mate, a companion, a solid supportive system is a gift from God. When we think about support the first thing that comes to mind is the support of our loved ones. Are there any other supports within your life that you fear that you could not live without?

    1. I could not live without the support of my children, they are a gift from God and they keep me motivated to do things, try new things, and they keep me active.

  2. Having a supportive partner in your life, who shows you love is truly a blessing, not many people can understand or appreciate this wonderful blessing. Never take it for granted.
