Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Family Culture

If a major catastrophe has almost completely devastated the infrastructure of my country, and I have been told I could bring three items to represent my family culture I would bring my photo album, my family fortunes if any, and my grandmother’s quilt. 


I would like to bring my photo album because it contains history from the older generation until the present.  It shows how each family has came a long way and tells the difference of how we dressed from the past until now.  I would like to carry my family fortunes such as jewelry and golden coins.  The coins and jewelry could be worth something more in another country.  My grandmother’s quilt is wonderful because it tells the life she lived, where she traveled, the number of children she had, and things she encounter as being an African American.


If I could only keep one item it will be my photo album.  I will be able to keep the memories and add new memories as I continue to live my life in another country.


I did not gain any insights but I have realized that it is a very important decision to make because you never know what life has in store for you.  Remembering where you came from and keeping the hope alive is the main point of it all. Our culture is very important to us all and we need to let our children know exactly where they came from.

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