Sunday, April 7, 2013


As an African American in a small town I totally fit in with my surroundings.  However, as I travel to different Professional Development Seminars people look at me as though I am uneducated because of the color of my skin.  I have faced the issue of racism at grocery stores, Wal-mart or at the Laundry Mat.  Unfortunately, I have never experience racism in the classroom.  I have had the opportunity of working with Korean families and Caucasian families.  I have the affect with my parents and students that is very open and tend to get along with all individuals.   I make friends where ever I go because I like learning new things and learning about people. 

The “isms” I have experience are racism and homosexuals.  However, I have not let these “isms” reflect my behavior as an educator.  I learned through resources on how to communicate and be professional in my field with these individuals.  I believe that diversity should be taught in the classroom and that we should discuss different issues at hand.

1 comment:

  1. LeKeshia,
    Great post! I applaud you for not letting the "ism" get to you. I have gotten the same feeling on my job from one of my co-worker. But you know I will never let the thoughts of someone else detour me form teaching and learning. Great post.
